Functions: Parser

List of functions used to extract data from Bitcoin block headers and transactions. See the Bitcoin Developer Reference for details on the block header and transaction format.


When comparing byte values, use the hash (e.g. SHA256) to avoid errors.

Block Header


Extracts the hashPrevBlock (reference to previous block) from a Bitcoin block header.

Function Signature



  • blockHeaderBytes: 80 byte raw Bitcoin block header.


  • hashPrevBlock: the 32 byte block hash reference to the previous block.

Function Sequence

  1. Return 32 bytes starting at index 4 of blockHeaderBytes


Extracts the merkleRoot from a Bitcoin block header.

Function Signature



  • blockHeaderBytes: 80 byte raw Bitcoin block header


  • merkleRoot: the 32 byte Merkle tree root of the block header

Function Sequence

  1. Return 32 bytes starting at index 36 of blockHeaderBytes.


Extracts the timestamp from the block header.

Function Signature



  • blockHeaderBytes: 80 byte raw Bitcoin block header


  • timestamp: timestamp representation of the 4 byte timestamp field of the block header

Function Sequence

  1. Return 32 bytes starting at index 68 of blockHeaderBytes.


Extracts the nBits from a Bitcoin block header. This field is necessary to compute that target in nBitsToTarget.

Function Signature



  • blockHeaderBytes: 80 byte raw Bitcoin block header


  • nBits: the 4 byte nBits field of the block header

Function Sequence

  1. Return 4 bytes starting at index 72 of blockHeaderBytes.


Parses a 80 bytes raw Bitcoin block header and, if successful, returns a RichBlockHeader struct.

Function Signature



  • blockHeaderBytes: 80 byte raw Bitcoin block header


  • BlockHeader: the parsed Bitcoin block header


  • ERR_INVALID_HEADER_SIZE = "Invalid block header size": return error if the submitted block header is not exactly 80 bytes long.

Function Sequence

  1. Check that the blockHeaderBytes is 80 bytes long. Return ERR_INVALID_HEADER_SIZE exception and abort otherwise.
  2. Create a new BlockHeader (BlockHeader) struct and initialize as follows:
  1. Return BlockHeader



Extracts the outputs from the given (raw) transaction (rawTransaction).


Function Signature

extractOutputs(rawTransaction) -> u64


  • rawTransaction: A variable byte size encoded transaction.


  • outputs: A list of variable byte size encoded outputs of the given transaction.

Function Sequence

  1. Determine the start of the output list in the transaction using getOutputStartIndex.
  2. Determine the number of outputs (determine VarInt size using determineVarIntDataLength and extract bytes indicating the number of outputs accordingly).
  3. Loop over the output size, determining the output length for each output (determine VarInt size using determineVarIntDataLength and extract bytes indicating the output size accordingly). Extract the bytes for each output and append them to the outputs list.
  4. Return outputs.


Optionally, check the output type here and add flag to return list (use tuple of flag and output bytes then).


Extracts the starting index of the outputs in a transaction (i.e., skips over the variable size list of inputs).

Function Signature

getOutputStartIndex(rawTransaction -> u64)


  • rawTransaction: A variable byte size encoded transaction.


  • outputIndex: integer index indicating the starting point of the list of outputs in the raw transaction.


  • ERR_INVALID_TX_VERSION = "Invalid transaction version": The version of the given transaction is not 1 or 2.


Currently, the transaction version can be 1 or 2. See transaction format details in the Bitcoin Developer Reference.

Function Sequence

See the Bitcoin transaction format in the Bitcoin Developer Reference.

  1. Init position counter pos = 0.
  2. Check the version bytes of the transaction (must be 1 or 2). Then skip over: pos = pos + 4.
  3. Check if the transaction is a SegWit transaction. If yes, pos = pos + 2.
  4. Parse the VarInt size (:ref:determineVarIntDataLength) and extract the bytes indicating the number of inputs accordingly. Increment pos accordingly.
  5. Iterate over the number of inputs and skip over (incrementing pos). Note: it is necessary to determine the length of the scriptSig using determineVarIntDataLength.
  6. Return pos indicating the start of the output list in the raw transaction.


Determines the length of the Bitcoin CompactSize Unsigned Integers (other term for VarInt) in bytes. See CompactSize Unsigned Integers for details.

Function Signature

getOutputStartIndex(varIntFlag -> u64)


  • varIntFlag: 1 byte flag indicating size of Bitcoin’s VarInt


  • varInt: integer length of the VarInt (excluding flag).

Function Sequence

  1. Check flag and return accordingly:
  • If 0xff return 8,
  • Else if 0xfe return 4,
  • Else if 0xfd return 2,
  • Otherwise return 0


Extracts the OP_RETURN of a given transaction. The OP_RETURN field can be used to store 80 bytes in a given Bitcoin transaction. The transaction output that includes the OP_RETURN is provably unspendable.


The OP_RETURN field is used to include replay protection data in the ONEBTC Issue, Redeem, and Replace protocols.

Function Signature



  • rawOutput: raw encoded output


  • opreturn: value of the OP_RETURN data.


  • ERR_NOT_OP_RETURN = "Expecting OP_RETURN output, but got another type.: The given output was not an OP_RETURN output.

Function Sequence

  1. Check that the output is indeed an OP_RETURN output: pk_script[0] == 0x6a. Return ERR_NOT_OP_RETURN error if this check fails. Note: the pk_script starts at index 9 of the output (nevertheless, make sure to check the length of VarInt indicating the output size using determineVarIntDataLength).
  2. Determine the length of the OP_RETURN field (pk_script[10]) and return the OP_RETURN value (excluding the flag and size, i.e., starting at index 11).


Extracts the value of the given output.


Needs conversion to Big Endian when converting to integer.

Function Signature



  • rawOutput: raw encoded output


  • value: value of the output.

Function Sequence

  1. Return the first 8 bytes of output, converted from LE to BE.


Extracts the value of the given output.


Please refer to the Bitcoin Developer Reference on Transactions when implementing this function.

Function Signature



  • rawOutput: raw encoded output


  • value: value of the output.


  • ERR_INVALID_OUTPUT_SCRIPT = "Invalid or malformed output script": The script of the given output is invalid or malformed.

Function Sequence

  1. Check if output is a SegWit output: output[9] == 0.
    1. If SegWit output (P2WPKH or P2WSH), check that output[10] equals the length of the output script (extract from``output[8]``). If this check fails, return ERR_INVALID_OUTPUT_SCRIPT.
    2. Return the number of characters specified in output[8] (length of the output script), starting with output[11]. This will be 20 bytes for P2WPKH and 32 bytes for P2WSH.
  2. Otherwise, extract the tag indicating the output type: 3 bytes starting at index 8 in output.
    1. If P2PKH output (tag == [0x19, 0x76, 0xa9]). Check that output[11] == [0x14] or the last two bytes are equal to [0x88, 0xac]. If this check fails, return ``ERR_INVALID_OUTPUT_SCRIPT. Otherwise, return 20 bytes starting with output[12].
    2. If P2WSH output (tag == [0x17, 0xa9, 0x14]). Check that the last byte is equal to [0x87]. If this check fails, return ERR_INVALID_OUTPUT_SCRIPT. Otherwise, return 32 bytes starting with output[12].